Cancer is a non reality
Joyfully embracing life!
Life is short, it’s important to enjoy it while you can!
Aloha friends!
I realized that I have not shared much lately about my journey with cancer, because as this title says, ‘cancer is a non-reality’ for me and I honestly don’t think about it that much! I am focusing on my mermaid joy, diving into ocean conservation work, traveling, tending to my horses, animals land and living as fully as I can! If you want to see where I have been sharing my joyful experience, please check out my The.Kauai.Mermaid Instagram page. I also have been putting my energy into starting a new mermaid business where people can experience the joy of being a mermaid here on gorgeous Kaua’i, Hawaii. Check out my new website here!
I hope that you are finding magic in your days and that you get something out of my writing piece here. Thanks for reading and for all of the love and support over the years!
With love and gratitude,
⚜️This cancer path. ⚜️
I don’t talk about it all that much, as I don’t want to give it energy or feed the reality of living with stage 4 cancer. Where your attention goes, your energy flows.
I honestly ignore it for the most part & strive to live my life as vibrantly alive as I can in between my monthly hormone blocking shots of Falslodex that knock me out for few days. 😜
Cancer is not a thing for me anymore.
It is a non reality.
I don’t fear it.
I don’t obsess or worry about it coming back. 🙌🏽
I focus my energy on my new found love of mermaiding, swimming in the ocean, learning the art of water dance, ocean conservation, dressing up in wild, fun costumes, take care of my beloved animals (horses, dog & cat) & living on the ‘aina here in Kaua’i, Hawaii. ✨🧜♀️✨
I’m recovering from a very painful breakup that occurred in January & much of my energy these last few months has gone to massive deep inner work, reclaiming my power & healing the trauma around both of my parents joint deaths 2 and 2.5 years ago. ❤️🩹
I’ve discovered lately that traveling has been incredibly healing to mend my fractured heart back together again and get off this absurdly small island, where I inexplicably see my ex often when I go out. This is good for my soul, so I’m honoring this wish. ✈️
I write this as I’m going through my monthly shots, curled up on the sofa, taking naps & catching up on things I can do while being horizontal and not feeling my best. I’m in the underworld so to speak; sometimes that’s a good place to be for contemplation!
Life is to be appreciated and honored!
I have a body that was on the edge of death 5 years ago, referred to Hospice & now I’m NED (no evidence of disease), swimming with whales & sharks & living large! 🐋 ✨ 🦈
I plan to continue this as long as I can, as I have no idea how long my time on earth might be. I could be cancer free for the rest of my life, then have a coconut fall on my head and take me out?! Life is unpredictable! 😂 🥥
How about you? How do you embrace and enjoy life?
I would love to hear your perspective if you feel inspired to share! ✨♥️✨
Check out the fun video below with me celebrating life after recovering from my monthly shots. I often feel like dancing once I feel better as I’m grateful to be feeling normal and be able to function again!
Like my stylish Eco-friendly dress in the photo above? Check out my friends clothing line Leom Designs and use my name ‘TaraCoyote’ in the check out to get 15% off your first order!