For my latest videos please visit my Youtube channel & my interview page.
My Healing Cancer Story - Stage 4 Cancer
My latest video sharing my story of journeying with late stage cancer since September 2016. This is a four minute video sharing in brief my experience of being referred to Hospice in the winter of 2019 and my journey from death to rebirth. Keep the hope alive friends!
Why Love Heals conversation with Dr. Dean Shrock
Check out this vibrant conversation with Dr. Dean Shrock and I. Dean is the author of the book ‘Why Love Heals’ and served for many years as Director of Mind-Body Medicine for a physician management group of 40 cancer centers, where he taught and researched a wellness program that improved survival with cancer. It was fun to have the tables turned and to be interviewing someone else for a change!
Fear vs. Cancer
In this video I explore the topic of what is more detrimental: fear of cancer or the cancer itself. I take a hard look at the way fear plays in with our cultural perception of cancer & how it can prevent healing.
Embracing Death
This is one of my favorite & most relevant videos I have made addressing a topic that our western culture is afraid to talk about: death. We all are going to die, so why not talk about it?
Honor the Earth
In the fall of 2020, I completed this 10 minute short environmental film addressing the topic of climate change and comparing it living with a Stage 4 Cancer diagnosis.
Integrated Cancer Treatment Recommendations: Supplements I Used During Chemotherapy
Tara had so many requests from people to know what natural supplements she took during chemotherapy treatment that she made a video sharing her experience and what supplements made the process easier for her.
Wind Horse ~ A film by Adam Worth
Filmed in April 2017
Tara Coyote was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer in September 2016. Throughout the journey, Tara has continually chosen a path of healing that was in alignment with her sense of self. Award winning filmmaker Adam Worth created this 2 minute film at Wind Horse Sanctuary, capturing the beauty of the land and Tara’s journey of healing breast cancer. Catch a slice of her life here as she navigates her heroine's journey.
My Cancer Healing Journey
I often get requests from other cancer journeyers to share my story. As my own time and emotional bandwidth is limited, I created this video to share my own personal cancer experience with natural and allopathic (conventional) medicine. As I mention in the video, this was my experience and each person has their own experience with cancer and various medicines. There is no one way to heal cancer, each body is different.
Hawaii State Quarantine
One month ago I went through the mandatory Hawaii state quarantine after traveling to the mainland. The first week I was going a bit bonkers after not leaving my property and having minimal human contact. 😜 I made this video to channel my angst and express the crazy mood swings I was experiencing!
My Story told by SurvivorNet
In the spring of 2020 I was SUPER honored to have this short film made by SurvivorNet about my journey with cancer. I’m grateful my story can be told to help inspire others going through similar experiences!