7 Year Cancerversary! 🎉

So grateful to be alive!

It’s been 7 wonderful years of dancing with cancer as of 9/22/23! I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer on 9/22/16 and what a wild ride it’s been!

I made this video above as a commemoration of the last 7 years. I hope you enjoy it!

it’s fun to share my love of mermaiding (yes, wearing a mermaid tail) as embracing my mermaid self has brought magic and deep healing after the recent passing of my parents. You can see it at the end of the short video above. Check out my The Kauai Mermaid Instagram page for more mermaid joy!

In the same vein, I thought I would share the 6 year cancerversary video I made last year, as it truly captures the highs and lows of this wild and wacky journey! Watch it below. (It says ‘7 year cancerversary’ on it, but the video was really created in 2022.)

Life is such an incredible gift, don’t waste a moment of it friends!

Mahalo for all the love and support over the years, dear friends, I am so grateful for each and every one of you!

With gratitude and aloha,


Photo credit at for the mermaid photo on the front of this post goes to Brett Stanley Photography. A big mahalo goes out to Hannah Mermaid too!