The Healing Power of Music 🎻
Music Heals!
A story about my magic fiddle, my father & Alasdair Frasier’s Sierra Nevada Fiddle Camp!
Fiddle camp! Words cannot express just how profound Alasdair Fraser's Sierra Fiddle Camp was for me! Please check out my Instagram Reel to see the special video I made sharing my experience!
I had lived in the Nevada City area for 10 years & always wanted to go, but never did. What followed was my own close brush with death and the death of both of my parents in a short few years.
My father gifted me this 1890’s fiddle from Germany one month before my dear mom died. It was THE LAST TIME I saw him happy IN HIS LIFE (he died tragically 4 short months after my mom did ). If you knew my father, this speaks volumes, as he was a jovial & exuberant being! This is why this fiddle means EVERYTHING to me. It was his last parting gift of love to me.
I had another beloved fiddle that I had painstakingly saved up for, which was stolen when I was in the midst of cancer treatment.
Being surrounded by such accomplished musicians, teachers & stellar human beings this week has touched my heart & advanced my playing beyond anything I have musically done, since I started playing in the 3rd grade. Alasdair Fraser's Fiddle World camp is all about playing music by ear, WHICH IS COMPLETELY NEW TO ME! This was definitely a challenge! Many times I was striving to catch a few notes here & there, but by the end of the week, I’m happy to say, I feel confident figuring out a song on my own!
My old fiddle had some issues and 4 strings broke in a matter of 3 days Luckily my kind new friends helped me, which I’m so grateful for.
Last nights culmination concert was incredibly beautiful. I felt the presence of my parents smiling down on me. I played my fiddle to my mom, when she was dying. This fiddle & the healing power of music are all wrapped up with the incredible gratitude & grief I feel with their painful deaths in the past year and a half.
I now understand, my dad bought me this fiddle 5 months before his heartbreaking death & it made him so happy to gift me it, as he KNEW IT WOULD OPEN MY HEART TO HEALING WHEN I MOST NEEDED IT This completely blows me away. WOW (And the tears rolling down my face are proof of this)
A big māhalo goes out to the teachers & all my new musician friends whom were so kind & loving. I’m deeply grateful for this profound healing.
Music heals!
What is your relationship to music? How do you find your joy? Please share, I would love to know!