You Choose Your Reality in Every Moment
Ze Glorious Morning Yurt View
Miss Fuzz Ball Queen Xaria
I choose my state of mind in every moment.
I can choose to focus on discomfort, pain, something I’m upset about or someone that bugs the shit out of me.
I can choose to focus on the gifts in my life, see the beauty & choose JOY as a state of mind!
My mind wrestled with this truth one morning last week. I woke up FAR too early at 3:30 AM as Xaria, super Aussie Shepherd blue-eyed wonder dog heard the ever present wild boars outside our yurt door. Her resonant barks quite frequently perforate my ear drums with her insanely early boisterous barking!
I was annoyed. I lay in my bed fuming that my beloved fluff ball highness woke me up yet AGAIN in the wee morning hours. This has been happening for over five weeks due to rats nesting in the yurt (caught them recently!) & an overly successful wild boar population on Kaua’i. Ever heard wild pigs at night? The screeching & snorting bears resemblance to horror movie sound effects & would disturb the most courageous soul!
I choose to frame my frustration differently. Xaria is a dog. She’s protecting her yurt home, human mama, cat sister, horse buddies & home from the evil wild piggies. She’s doing what her hard wired DNA is telling her to do. So why would I waste my time being cranky at something I can’t change?
I’ve tried to request, “Xaria, can you please use your inside bark noise?” She doesn’t seem to get it.
After tossing & turning for an hour I gave up on sleeping and attempt to focus on the endless editing I’m doing for my book. Stay tuned world!
At 5 am I look up at the plastic Pacific Yurts skylight bubble shrouded in darkness. I listen to the roosters crowing and make a decision.
My life is pretty darn spectacular even if my sleep has been dramatically irregular in the past month. I love the simple design of the yurt that is my blessed home. My world surrounding me is incredibly aesthetically pleasing to my eye, even the piles of laundry. I remind myself I live #offthegrid in Kaua’i?! How fortunate am I!
I let go of my frustration and come back to a neutral state of mind. I decide to focus on the beauty & joy.
The benevolence of the universe is constantly surrounding ALL of US!
It was beneficial for me to shift my perception to see the blessings, rather than the tragedies (or annoyances & lack of sleep in this case!)
You choose your reality in every moment.
What do you choose?
Please share!
To read more of my writing, videos and stellar photos of Kauai, please check out my Instagram page!