Grateful to be ALIVE!
Don’t waste a moment
Life is a precious gift!
🦋 This is me 🦋 Pin pricked, vibrant, sun kissed, totally inexplicably GRATEFUL, covered in horse slime (which I hear is good for the skin), curly hair going in every nutty direction and ALIVE!
One year ago I was facing the BIGGEST decision of my life. I was referred to Hospice, weight dwindling fast and had to face my fears of chemotherapy. I was the poster girl for “chemo kills” before that. Due to my trauma around my best friends cancer death i was blogging, making videos and doing interviews about the dangers of chemo. I had to face my GREATEST FEARS around this potent medicine or die. I chose LIFE! ☀️
Thanks to my SOLID group of friends (you know who you are!), the support of my social media family, my rock solid family, the healing mana of Kaua’i, supportive natural medicine, my animals and shifting my perspective around chemo with the work of Bryon Katie and Bethany Webb I made it through 9 grueling months of chemo, double hip surgery and have been REBIRTHED! 🔥 🦅🔥
I know how fortunate I am to be alive now. There are many I know with my same predicament who have not made it or are not faring well. My heart breaks every time one of us passes on. To walk on this path is to know death intimately. 🌹 💀
I give thanks for every moment as I know if I hadn’t shifted my perspective I would be dead now. Every second is a gift. I know how close I came to the edge, which is why I know every moment is a DELIBERATE CHOICE!
I’m doing some deep work to shift my perspective around cancer. I’m seeing it in the past. I’m saying goodbye to it, closing a chapter for a very powerful heroines journey, but I know nothing is for certain. THIS IS A GIFT! ✨🙌🏽✨
I still get vitamin and mineral infusions, blood tests (hence the two bandages on my arms here) and will keep up my healing routine (supplement video coming soon I promise!)
My life has been spared, there is a greater mission unfolding, more blessed time to dance upon this Earth with my beloveds and my horses. I will continue to shine! It is POSSIBLE to be ECSTATICALLY HAPPY and make peace with cancer. I am living proof.
Those of you walking with fear of cancer, fear of Covid-19 or whatever scares you, please know that you have the power to transform your greatest fears as well. It is all a state of mind.
You are so much more powerful then you give yourself credit for! Dig into your deepest strength, harness your creative force and find your way through. I promise you can do this!
Shared with so much ALOHA ♥️🌺♥️