Facing the Great Unknown


What a powerful time this is! I know many of you feel a sharp unsettling jolt with the current political paradigm. It occurred to me today how similar these dramatic changes are to having a cancer diagnosis; it is a time of facing the great unknown, your world becomes suddenly changed and it’s easy to become swept away by fear. I find what helps me is to SURRENDER to whatever situation presents itself as honestly; the idea that we have any control at all is really an allusion. The more we cling to our old reality we prevent the possibilities for a better world. I know it’s not easy but I encourage you all to have faith. There certainly a greater plan unfolding here, of that I am certain.  I believe that we can create a brighter world if we all unite, joining forces with our collective vision! As far as my healing protocol is concerned, January has brought a deeper commitment; new supplements, high dosage Vitamin C infusions and I feel SOLID in my plan. (These are new additions to my protocol I wrote up in the blog post: In the Land of Detoxification)  I am receiving the assistance from one of Doctor V’s coaches (author of ‘Healing Breast Cancer Naturally’) and they gave me a three-month plan based on the results of my Greece blood work test I did in November. It tells me specifically what supplements work most effectively to shrink my tumor and heal my cancer.  (At the end of three months I will do a similar blood test to test my tumor markers.) I also have the support of other alternative doctors and am being closely monitored through blood tests and I’m in excellent hands. I have devised my plan through my extensive research of what cures cancer with the support of these angels on my team.

With a serious diagnosis like this my health regiment each day is a full time job. I am grateful to be on this path, to be building my immune system and I feel deep in my body that I am indeed healing! My protocol with Doctor V has me swallowing about 25 pills 3X a day at meal times, 6 enzymes every hour (which comes to be about 45 enzymes a day), Haelan (which is a fermented soy drink from China which honestly tastes like dirty socks) and Vitamin C infusions twice a week (takes hours to do an infusion). The Vitamin C infusions have been the biggest transition where at times I feel energetic and can’t sleep at night to bone-tired exhaustion for days. When I have ‘healing reaction’ like this I know it’s working and I take it to be a good sign.  (Vitamin C creates an oxygen blast within the blood stream, which kills cancer cells.)

I’ve seen a vast difference between the ‘Western medical treatments’ and ‘alternative treatments’ in the past months. Through the alternative treatments I have discovered what triggered my cancer cells to be active. (EVERYONE has cancer cells in their bodies; mine decided to come to life to grow me in expediential ways.) The alternative path digs down to find the cause and treats it rather than just the effect. If I had chosen the western route than I would be bombing myself with a deadly, carcinogenic four-month dose of chemotherapy (which is unknown if it would be effective) meanwhile my immune system would be totally trashed. I see chemotherapy as a band-aid, which serves to toxify the body in the hopes the cancer is killed.  Often times people will go through cancer treatments, think they are cured only to have the cancer come back years later as the root cause of healing was never achieved.   I am deciding to build my immune system and actually treat the reason why breast cancer decided to bless me with her lessons.  (By the way not one of the western doctors suggested to do a blood test to analyze what the deeper cause is OR even took into consideration that I have an autoimmune thyroid issue.)

Why do I have breast cancer? Well, we discovered that I have two mild forms of Epstein Barr and Chlamydia Pneumoniae (both viruses). These two viruses can distract the body into fighting them, which takes the attention away from the cancer cells that are developing. Say, isn’t this a clever military tactic?

Other causes: I was exposed to high doses of chemicals while working on a flower farm in Kauai when I was 31, which is most likely a culprit.  On the emotional level: The year before I was diagnosed, my closest friend of 19 years died from Leukemia.  I was one of her main caretakers for 22 months and it was a heartbreaking loss (the tumor is right over my heart). I am also breaking the pattern of caring for others before myself (this tends to be a breast cancer issue). One of my biggest lessons is learning I am worthy of receiving and loving myself.

I went to get a third opinion from a local oncologist and had a wonderful surprise! He told me he would support me in my alternative healing path and help me in whatever way he could.  His clear encouragement of me was a refreshing surprise given more of the close-minded responses I have received from other oncologists. So you see, there is hope!

Learning to receive:  As my healing protocol is costing me $4K a month I’ve had to step up and ask for financial help. Since I’ve spent my entire life being a strong Amazon womyn, this is challenging and uncomfortable.  THANK YOU all for your donations, love and support!

For me to learn I am worthy of receiving is one of the greatest healing gifts. I dwell in deep gratitude for each and every one of you who has stepped up to help. It allows me to relax and be present in my healing experience.  I hope to be able to return the gift through sharing awareness, helping others navigate their cancer journey, being a cancer survivor-thriver and telling my tale!

If you feel inclined to donate to my health protocol, I would be very grateful! I want to stay alive and at this point I am seeing that raising even more money is key to that pertinent goal. Any amount helps so much!  Thank you to all of you who have donated, every little bit makes a huge difference!!   **PLEASE SHARE the You Caring fundraiser link as each share is shown to bring in $37.**  DONATE HERE!   MAHALO for your generosity!

My dear friend Lindsay Wood will be launching an online silent auction fundraiser event soon to raise funds for my healing. Stay tuned for more info!

Something that helps me in my most challenging moments is to find something to be grateful for. It could be noticing the beauty of a tree, my dog or something as simple as noticing the colors around me.  (In all honesty, even though it’s challenging, I am grateful for my cancer diagnosis as I’m appreciating life and transforming at light warp speed!)  I share this as a gift to help you all navigate a fearful, tumultuous time. Our minds are powerful, we have the choice to focus on the positive or negative. We choose and create our reality in each and every moment. I’m not encouraging spiritual bypassing, simply reminding us all that we have the ability to transform every obstacle that comes your way. What are you choosing?

Thank you all so much for your support, it means so much to me! With love and gratitude,


Thanks to the talented photographer Shawn Reeder for this stellar photo!  On winter solstice we had fun photographing with him. To see more of the photos please go to: Shawn's album